What separates Ross from most former jocks is that he actually has been on the corporate front lines in several capacities and knows how to navigate through the muddy waters making a business successful.
While still an active player in the NFL Ross interned in the offseason with big companies like Merrill Lynch and The Staubach Company so he is keenly aware of the dynamic in that environment. In fact, even though his on-field career was thriving, he took the time to study and attain his Series 7 and 66 securities licenses before deciding to pursue a media career instead.

Perhaps most impressively, Ross founded and is still CEO of an online business - Go Big Recruiting - that has become a major part of the collegiate athletic recruiting process for thousands of student-athletes over the last ten years. Go Big's unique process creates efficiencies for both high school student-athletes and collegiate coaches. Ross's business achieved profitability in year three and he has successfully negotiated three positive equity transactions for Go Big in the company's first ten years of existence.

Ross' most recent venture includes being the primary investor in a truly unique concept called MyFrontPageStory.com. As local newspaper coverage and resources continue to contract and decline, MyFrontPageStory.com is filling that void by writing the stories that really matter to people and their lives. Whether you buy a story to commemorate a loved one who has passed, an upcoming nuptial, or even a graduation MyFrontPageStory.com is an exceptional gift that will last a lifetime. The professional writers at MyFrontPageStory.com will take great care to tell the story of your small business or your child’s college commitment or anything else you can possibly think of in a way that will allow it to live on in posterity.